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Year 1 - Autumn 2024

Welcome to our Year 1 page where you will find all current information regarding this year group. 

Curriculum Overview - click here

Enrichment Curriculum - click here

Weekly Timetable - Emerald Class - click here / Amethyst Class - click here


Children in Year 1 are expected to read for 10 minutes every day, this could be your child reading their phonic scheme book to you, or it could be sharing a story book together. Please complete your child's reading record daily, ensuring it is signed by a Parent/Carer, and support your child to remember to bring it to school every day.


We value reading for pleasure so alongside a phonic reading scheme book your child will bring home a story book from the library.


Emerald Class Amethyst Class
Monday Thursday

PE days: 

  Emerald Class Amethyst Class
Indoor PE Thursday Thursday
Outdoor PE Friday Friday


  • Spirit of the Wild

Any trips will be listed on the School Calendar on the website, including additional information.